Sprayings during plant growth should be performed with preparations containing ProBio Ems: EmFarma Plus, EmFarma, Ema5.
Increase of plant’s resistance and elimination of pathogens is necessary because of threat to growing plants constituted by viral, bacteria and yeast diseases. This effects can be achieved by usage of preparations with microorganisms: EmFarma, EmFarma Plus i Ema5 during growth. Usage of Ema5™ props up use of EmFarma and EmFarma Plus.
Sprayings during plant’s growth: 3-4 sprayings during plant’s vegetation, dosage: 0,2-0,3L of EmFarma Plus/100 m² diluted with 8-10L of water.
Ema5 – 1-3 sprayings, especially during periods of high occurrence of diseases and vermins, dosage: 1,5-5L of Ema5/1 ha. In places where EmFarma™ or EmFarma Plus™ wasn’t used before procedure of spraying with Ema5™ should be mixed with these preparations.
At initial phase of plant growth usage of EmFarma is recommended. Full-grown plants should be sprayed with EmFarma Plus. Use healthy, non-chlorine water for sprayings because it’s a good medium and it enhances effects of the preparations.
Sprayings should be performed at the evening, when cloudy or steamy.
Preparations with microorganisms mustn’t be mixed with chemicals.