Used preparations: EmFarma Plus, Ema5, Ema5 with Tansy

Perform sprayings with 0,2L of EmFarma Plus diluted with 10L of water/100 m² to combat powdery mildew. 3 sprayings during the season (while development of rose rosettes, after blooming and before harvesting). It is recommended to add 0,1L of Ema5/10L of water to second and third spraying. If there is a big exacerbation of diseases and pests in plantings increase dose of Ema5 to 0,2L/10L of water.

Chokeberries, bilberries, black currant:
Perform 2-4 sprayings with 0,3L of EmFarma Plus diluted with 10L of water/100 m². It is recommended to add 0,1L of Ema5 at least to one of sprayings.
In case of blackcurrant gall mite perform spraying with Ema5 3 times (in period of time between bud bursting and full blooming). Dosage: 50-100 ml of Ema5/5L of water/100 m²
To heal chokeberries use 0,5L of EmFarma Plus + 0,3L of Ema5/10L of water/100 m².
Hygienization of whole plantation during autumn when most of leaves fell down is a necessary treatment for berry crops. Use 0,5L of EmFarma Plus/100 m² with addition of 0,1L Ema5 diluted with 10L of water. It will lead to further decomposition of leaves, organic remains, maggots and fungal spores.
Use 0,5L of Ema5 with Tansy/100 m² diluted with large portion of water to remove Agriotes, white grubs and weevils.

Perform spraying 4 times during season (beginning of strong growth of sprouts in spring, before blooming, after blooming and in final phase of fructification) containing 0,3L of Emfarma Plus diluted with 10L of water/100 m². Add 30-50 ml of Ema5/100 m² to sprayings before blooming and in final fructification phase.
Add 30-50 ml of Ema5/100 m² to sprayings of late-growing types which are vulnerable to mildews and powdery mildews.
Perform spraying containing 0,4L of Ema5 with Tansy/100 m² diluted with large portion of water in case of occurence of weevils and white grubs.

First spraying with 0,4L of EmFarma Plus diluted with 10L of water/100 m² should be performed before covering plantation. After that every plantation should by sprayed with 0,3L of EmFarma Plus diluted with 10L f water/100 m² before blooming, at the end of blooming and during harvesting.
Add 20 ml of Ema5/100 m² into spraying at the end of the blooming.
Last treatment should be performed after cutting plantation with 0,7L of EmFarma Plus + 0,3L of Ema5/100 m² diluted with 10L of water.
In case of white grubs and weevils occurence perform spraying containing 0,4L of Ema5 with Tansy/100 m² diluted with large portion of water.