Used products: ProBio Sanit

ProBio Sanit with use of KWADRANT-EkosystEM method is a best way to cleanse cesspit and homesewage treatment plant. This treatment will remove sediments and urinary stones (even logstanding). Probiotics contained in preparation replace rotting by low-temperature processes and eliminate cause of odor emission. Leads to natural process of sediment mineralization what causes gradual mitigation of sediments. Gas induced in fermentation process causes bursting of urinary stone. Organic substances are degradated into CO₂, water and methane. As a result of this process insects present in rotting spots lose conditions necessary to development and die. After approx. 10 days odor becomes less noticeable. After several weeks from the treatment cesspit and sewage treatment plant are regenerated. “Disinfection” of the reservoir by displacing pathogenic microorganisms is an additional perk of the product.

Dosage: dosage should be established by Licesed Counseor of ProBiotic Technology because of significant diversity of cesspits and homesewage treatment plants. Most frequently people use 1-5L of ProBio Sanit/1 m³ of cesspit (or homesewage treatment plant). Escalation of organic substance load in sewage should lead to increase of dosage. Amount of detergents, strong disinfectants and chlorine-based bleaches in sewage is also significant - in some of cases treatment can be aboritve because high concentration of those chemicals will disable development of probiotics. It is also important how long ProBio Sanit will affect on the reservoir (the longer the better), recommended time: at least 2 months.