Used products: EmFarma, ProBiotic Em15

Preparations with probiotics help with emilinating bad odors deriving from emission of gases such as ammonia or hydrogen sulfide, reduction of insects: flies, mosquitos, elimination of mildew developing on silages, increase of feed taste quality and rate of its usage, blocking of E. coli bacteria development, pH regulation, play role of acidificators and regulators, eliminate mycosis, suppress need to use antibiotics and disinfectants.

Settlement of cattle housing with ProBio Ems - perform first spraying with 10% solution of EmFarma (1L of preparation/9L of water). Spray whole cattle housing. Depending on litter, droppings and ventilation use 5-10L of EmFarma/100 m². Perform this treatment twice in first week of use. In next weeks perform the treatment systematically once for a week with use of 2-5L of EmFarma/100 m². You can use fogging instead of sprayings (1L of EmFarma/50-200 m³, 2-3-fold hydration). Perform treatment 2-3 times in a week.

Ensiling on silage - use 0,3-2L of ProBiotic Em15/1 ton of ensilaged material. Haylage from grass or lucerne in bale should be ensilaged with increased dose: 0,3-0,7L of ProBiotic Em15/1 bale. Dilute preparation with hydration enabling proper spreading of EmFarma. While ensilaging in a pile add 0,3-0,5L of ProBiotic Em15/1 ton of corn silage, 1-1,5L/1 ton of haylage from grass or lucerne and up to 2L/1 ton of ensilaging corn seeds.

Water revitalisation - 1L of ProBiotic Em15/1000L of water dosed daily. This solution should be served at least once in a week. Perfectly cleanses organism and enhances digestion processes.

Addition to feeds - 50-70 ml of ProBiotic Em15/1 cow, 20 ml/1 calf. Add doses to feed 1-2 times in a week. Dilute in amount enabling spreading solution on feed. In case of feeding with silages inoculated with ProBio Ems addition of ProBiotic into feed isn’t needed. Serve milk for calves with addition of 10 ml of ProBiotic Em15. Don’t add ProBio Ems to ensilaged feed.

In case of diarrhea use:
Adult animals - 0,5-1L of ProBiotic Em15, repeat 2-3 times.
Small calves - 50-100 ml of ProBiotic Em15, once.
Older calves - 150-250 ml of ProBiotic Em15, once.
Necessarily spray calf shed once in 2-3 days with 1:9 hydration.

Securing storaged straw and hay against mildew - perform spraying 1L of Emfarma/1 ton on hay and straw once with lowest hydration possible. In case of local occurence of mildew perform spraying again.

Securing of udders and teats against infections - wipe udders with wiper dipped in 5-10-fold hydrated ProBiotic Em15. Infatuate teats by dipping in the solution. This treatments shall be performed uniquely after the dairy. Do not perform before the dairy because it can lead to increase of microorganisms amount in milk. Washing udders with warm water before the dairy is recommended. Teats securing during frosts can lead to its bursting. Perform teats securing with consideration.

Pushing away the causes of skin infections - spray or wipe infected places with ProBiotic Em15 with no additional hydration. In case of mycosis or scab occurence spray once in couple of days with 100% solution of ProBiotic Em15 or EmFarma. You can dilute this preparations with 3-4-fold hydration.

Washing places of diary and equipment - dirt, especially fats, remove with EmFarma. Use 1 part of EmFarma and 30-50 parts of water to lubricate dirty spots.